Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What, Me Speechless?

Only once before have I been struck speechless. But here we are over a week since the horrendous tragedy on our nations's Gulf Coast and things just keep getting worse. We had ships off shore with amphibeous vehicles. They weren't dispatched in time. We had a floating hospital, also not dispatched in time. As I said earlier, we have a Navy, Coast Guard and Marines. They weren't dispatched in time. We are told by the golfer-in-chief that the Big Easy is important as nostalgia for his youthful drunks. And Mississippi is important for the rebuilding of Trent Lott's home--bigger and better. Meanwhile, hope fades for all the missing. 80% of the homes in New Orleans are under water. It will be months, if ever, before residents can return. And, now, George W. Bush has put himself in charge of the effort to find out what went wrong!

Anyone who thought we had a government prepared to help in monster storm rescue, relief and rebuilding is surely having second thoughts. Your tax money and mine rendered into patronage for former horse show organizers. He was too incompetent to run horse shows, so put him in charge of FEMA. This is what the House of Bush thinks of us. Leave No Poor State Behind, especially if the majority of the victims stranded are minorities. There is much more than neglect here. And I am stunned that our so-called leaders have sunk so low.

In 2001 Scientific American ran a story about how, in a major hurricane, New Orleans would be flooded (in 20 feet of water) by a failure of levees. The scenario read like the real news of last week, but yet, Bush fiddled (or rather strummed the guitar),vacationed at the pseudo-ranch, golfed and played. He looked us straight in the eye and once AGAIN said no one could have known. How many times will he utter empty words and still find Americans believing him? Compassionate Conservative? Caring resident? Let's face it. For all of us it's "let us eat cake" (or worse). For minorities, it approaches genocide-by-neglect. It's unspeakable. His father lost the faith of the voters for not understanding what ordinary Americans go through. Not GW. Millions of people keep believe him because they think he's a man of faith and like them. If they haven't figured it out by now, we are all lost. I usually don't judge the faith of another. But it's clear that there is nothing moral, compassionate, or even Christian in his actions and inaction. It's unspeakable. And I weep for the country I love. Please help, any way you can, the poor people of the Gulf. God knows, GW won't, despite his promises. As in the past, much money will never reach those needing it. People will be in shelters years from now (around 75 or so still remain in shleters from Hurricane Floyed 6 years ago). We are on our own.