Saturday, March 04, 2006

Port Debate Backlash: Bush Grounds Republican Critic of Ports Deal

The New York Times Reports:

WASHINGTON, March 3 — Representative Peter T. King's prominent opposition to a proposal to allow a Dubai company to take over some terminal operations at American ports may have earned him some punishment from the Bush administration: He has been grounded.

George W. Bush doesn't like it when someone tells an inconvenient truth. A Republican was a hero on this subject. He cared more about the citizens of NY and the US than appeasing a country caring little for our safety. UAE housed the banks that laundered money to fund 9-11 and ports which passed through triggers for nuclear weapons, which the infamous Khan marketed to our enemies (read about it here.)

But in a unitary theory of government leadeship, even in a matter so grave, you don't cross the emperor. Now Bush has grounded King from a trip to Iraq. Clearly, Bush doesn't want the truth told about Iraq either.