Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hastertgate: GOP Tactics for Surviving Their Own Deceit and Neglect

Part One: The GOP, and it's Right Wing Media--When the Facts Don't Support Them, They Just Make Stuff Up.

Keith Olbermann named Roger Ailes, who runs FOX News like an extension of the White House (the official talking points get circulated each AM), runner up in the weekly "Worst Person in the World." (The faux "award" goes to Faux News. How appropriate!)

Poor Bill O'Reilly and FAUX News. They just couldn't help themselves. It's just too much to take that their own fearless leader in the House is in deep --well, kaka. Last night, Bill O'Reilly ran a story about US Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL). Fit to be tied, Repugs' at FAUX News thought that their only recourse was to -- you guessed it, re-label Foley a Democrat. And there it was... Foley's name appeared with the designation D-FL beneath it. Fortunately, Ole Bill's ratings are not so hot. It seems viewers prefer Olbermann to O'Reilly's nonsense. But you've got to ask, are these guys for real? It's good that we don't depend on this bunch for real moral education.

Meanwhile, the "accountability police" aren't accountable. And the GOP shows itself for the party of corruption that it is.

Read about it at The GOP, and it's Right Wing Media--When the Facts Don't Support Them, They Just Make Stuff Up.

Part Two: Blame The Media, Bill Clinton and George Soros (But Not Themselves)

Today, Dennis Hastert claimed that he takes responsibility for the Foley scandal, except that he doesn't. While saying one thing out of one side of his mouth, he said the opposite from the other side. Pretty amazing stunt when you think about it. No sooner were the words "accept responsibility" out of his mouth than he blamed everyone else. It's Bill Clinton's fault, the media's fault, and George Soros' fault. The absurdity of this claim needs and deserves no comment.